Bluebird and Cookie Books
Official Website of Children's Book
Author and Illustrator
Kali Blache
Kali Blache is an artist at heart. With years of experience, painting, drawing, being a hairstylist, a floral designer, digital artist, holds a bachelor’s degree, and now a children’s book Author and Illustrator, she has evolved her creativity over the years.
Kali draws inspiration from her childhood memories, life experiences, and her family. Her storyline and doodles that became illustrations for her first two books began just after her daughter was born, as a spin-off of artwork she did for her bedroom. As her family of three was awake in the wee hours of the night, she began
thinking about her daughter's future and her own childhood.
Kali created vivid, colorful, interactive picture books so she could share with her daughter the joy of imagination, a love for family and elders, the beauty of nature, discovering some of the simple things in life, importance of family traditions, spending time with those you care about, kindness, caring for the Earth, and being authentic.
Her books are enjoyed by people of all ages, including making great gifts!
Book Signing
Book signing at Michigan Roots Artisan Shoppe.
Madison Height, MI
Shop Local: Bluebird and Cookie Books are sold here!
Children's Books
Paperback children's books for all ages to enjoy!
Books That Travel
It's beautiful to see people reading Bluebird and Cookie Books all over the world. When Bluebird and Cookie Books are are slightly misprinted they are donated to Little Libraries. Keep tagging @bluebirdandcookiepublishing
Book of the Month
Bluebird and Cookie Books pop up in nooks, libraries and lobbies!
Color Event
Celebrating our 1 year mark and 4th book released, BaCP hosted a Free Coloring Event